Investing in change: challenges and opportunities


    Identifying opportunities and challenges of Socially Responsible Investment: improving the general awareness of this type of investment and thus making it more attractive, proving that profit and positive impact can go hand-in-hand.


    Development of a two-phase study, qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative study included an online forum for people working on responsible consumption, SMEs, and small investors; they were accompanied by a network of experts on social innovation. The quantitative phase was carried out with men and women between 18 and 70 years of age, representative of Spanish society, segmented into two categories: people considered close to the work of NGO’s and those who had no affinity with them.


    Publication of a report that kickstarted the Socially Responsible Investment sector in Spain, presented by ANESVAD (and NGO focused on the right to Health) and supported by Spaisif, Economistas sin Fronteras (Economists without Borders) and SpainNAB.

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