Fundación Quirónsalud.


    To develop and launch the first program of corporate volunteers for Fundación Quirón Salud, creating a space where the more than 40,000 employees of this company could realize their potential and social commitment, aligning them with the social responsibility guidelines of the company.


    Implementation of the Project from the ground up, exploring the interests and experiences of Quirón’s staff to later develop an online platform and day-to-day management of the project, including the engagement of the corporate volunteers, curating volunteer opportunities and the relationship with partner organizations.


    An active and on-going program in constant development. It offers the 40,000- strong work force at Quiron 190 different activities to volunteer for, has achieved more that 2,000 hours of charity work done by Quirón’s staff and 65 social entities have joined the network.

If you feel like keeping up to date with the things we "tinker" with from Quiero.