We are

A multidisciplinary team working for more than 15 years on an international platform for organizational sustainability revolving around businesses and impact.

Raquel Martín

RRII, Aliances and Client Service Director

Journalist by both training and passion, Raquel’s life took her to communication consultancies on both shores of the Atlantic, working in Spain and Argentina. She worked at Coca-Cola, Repsol YPF, UNICEF and Danone, and was a manager at Kimberly-Clark. Her purpose is to support and encourage sustainable, transparent and coherent companies for a better society.


Sandra Pina

Director General

Sandra worked in marketing and innovation within multinational companies Kellogg´s and Danone. One day she decided she could be more useful to society, and thus she is now DG at Quiero. She is also the director in Madrid of global network Sustainable Brands, the worldwide authority on Sustainability and Business, as well as a member of its Advisory Board in Paris.


Fabio Sechi

Director of Production
From the beginning of his career, Fabio has created spaces and events. Creating realities from nothing is his everyday challenge. He worked for the social work divisions of Caja Madrid, Kutxa and Caja Sur banks and he has also created events for brands such as Rolex, El País newspaper and Telefónica.


Sara Flores

Project manager

Psychologist specialized in social intervention and gender equality, she has developed her professional experience in third sector entities managing different projects to promote equality education, raising awareness against different forms of sexist violence, and the empowerment of women. She arrives at Quiero ready to put her entire backpack at the service of the team and the projects with which to continue promoting the empowerment of women in the work sector and positive change in society.

Luis Tamayo

Knowledge Director

Luis is a sociologist who developed his career in strategic research and marketing trends analysis. He facilitates companies’ transitions to the collaborative and digital economy, helping them build authentic brands and models integrating work with collaborative culture. He feels Quiero provides him with an ideal framework to accomplish his purpose.


Raquel Lara

Project Manager

Graduated in law, she started her professional career as a lawyer until one day she left everything to give a 180 degree turn to her career and bet on social action and innovation. After 6 years in an NGO promoting equality between women and men, she comes to Quiero willing to continue impacting society by promoting youth employment and equal opportunities.


Maria Molina

Impact & Advocacy Director

Graduate in Law and Political Science with a wide experience in regulation and within the sustainable finance framework. She has developed her career mainly in public policy and political advocacy strategies development for both private and third sector organizations. She arrives at Quiero with Don’t stop believin’ as her soundtrack and willing to work on THE CHANGE through the generation of positive impacts.


Elia Vela Laviña

Social Innovation

After she graduated in Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Elia focused on creating social projects that contribute to solving the world’s problems. She founded Libretas Aedra and her own genre-based publishing company, Ediciones Dorna. She worked at Social Enterprise Spain on research and training. Now at Quiero, she continues to help building a better world.


Jose Illana

Founding partner

Jose is the founding partner at Quiero: one fine day he realized he’d been thinking that things could be done differently for too long and risked becoming an empty loudmouth. Before establishing Quiero, he worked in communication at Wunderman, Grey, FCB and Humana. He is a member of the Global Advisory Board of the Sustainable Brands’ network.


Miriam Torres

Project Manager

Miriam trained in audiovisual communication and specialized in business communication. She began her professional career in a multinational company and joined Quiero when it was only 3 years old. Curious by nature, she came to the conclusion that her vocation was to manage exciting projects because they generate changes in society. After a stage of specialization in educational guidance and innovation, come back to Quiero to continue helping make things happen.


  • Quiero is B-corp member.

  • European partner of Sustainable Brands and member of its global advisory board.

  • Promoter of the first ethical code of the Spanish Association of Marketing.

  • Founder and leader of the think tank “Dialogues at La Granja” with the support of IESE Business School.

  • Member of CEOE.


    We only work on projects that seek change and positive impact, putting people, society and the environment at the centre. We are convinced that sustainability makes us better: richer and more beloved companies, healthier and more fulfilled people, and more beautiful, plural and just societies.

    We believe in a better way of doing things. Our only principle: be proud of what you do and make everyone around you proud of the company where you work.


    Quiero y Futur/io se unen para impulsar el cambio disruptivo

    Con este acuerdo,  desde Quiero comenzamos a colaborar con el Instituto Europeo de Tecnologías Exponenciales y …


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